
diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

LTSDU Erasmus + Science Corner @ INS Marina

   Our students have been working hard to get such an awesome result¡ Here we've got our Science Corner for our Erasmus + project "Let The Science Discover Us". This will be the space devoted to the activities done during the project, information regarding mobilities etc.. you're welcome to come and see what we're carrying out during the next two years at our high school. 

dijous, 24 de novembre del 2016

We're ready!

   We've been working hard for these last months and we can announce that.... we're ready for the first transnational kick off meeting next week. For three days, we'll discussing issues related to our project Let The Science Discover Us. We're looking forward to it, dear partners!

dilluns, 14 de novembre del 2016

Students' Questionnaires

   Our students at INS Marina were invited to fill in some project questionnaires regarding their potentials, ICT skills, success in science subjects etc and they did it by using their ICT resources in the class. Check it out:

"Let The Science Discover Us" Introduction

   We had a meeting with the teaching staff at INS Marina (La Llagosta) to introduce the project Let The Science Discover Us. Check out the presentation file and the pictures below: