
dimecres, 21 de desembre del 2016


   From the 29th November to the 2nd December 2016 the first TRANSNATIONAL MEETING of the Erasmus plus project "Let The Science Discover Us" has been held at INS Marina High School (La Llagosta). We welcomed our project's partners form countries such as Turkey,Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy.

    During these days, we've been working on the project. We've set up next mobilities and reached agreements regarding dates and actions to be done. We also visited La Llagosta townhall where our mayor, Óscar Sierra, introduced us the village on a tour.

   Definitely, it has been a rewarding experience to share the way we teach in our educational systems, our cultures and values.

dimarts, 20 de desembre del 2016

Questionnaires' Results

   Prior to our project's partners visit, our 4th ESO students, their parents and their science teachers participated doing these questionnaires to check their potentials, general knowledge of sciences as well as their teachers' use of ict resources in class, among other factors. These are the results: