
dijous, 2 de novembre del 2017

LTSDU Breaking News!

This week's local newspaper 08centvint has published an article to disseminate the three Erasmus + we're implenting this year at INS Marina.

Among them, LTSDU project is mentioned in relation to the last teachers' mobility to Pétér András Gimnázium és Kóllegium in Szeghalom (Hungary), where we met other teachers from Turkey, Italy and Czech Republic to discuss and evaluate actions done during the 1st year of the project as well as suggesting and reaching an agreement on future 2nd year actions to be implemented at our school. These are our mobility's photo slide and meeting presentation:

diumenge, 8 d’octubre del 2017

Weekly teaching staff meeting update

    We're back from summer holidays and now it's time to go on working on LTSDU!

   This week we attended our weekly teaching staff meeting to explain our workmates an evaluation of the 1st year of the project (coordination, dissemination and impact tasks, our students' feedback about the 1st year of the project as well as future actions to get ready to. Last but no least, we introduced next week mobility to Hungary. See you in a week, we're off to Péter András Gimnázium és Kollégium in Szeghalom, Hungary.  

     This is Marta and me during the teaching staff meeting last week at INS Marina (La Llagosta)


dimecres, 21 de juny del 2017

Jornada de les Arts 2017

   During two days, we have been celebrating "Jornada de les Arts" in La Llagosta. In this conference, we showed La Llagosta community (parents, authorities and students) all we've accomplished during the year. One of the issues will be our Erasmus + Project LTSDU, and we've made this video to show the success of the latest Science Fair  #ErasmusPlusCat #letthesciencediscoveruspain

dilluns, 29 de maig del 2017

Science Fair 2017

After a hard work of diffusion spreading out our porsters and flyers, we've been hosting our Science Fair at Marina high school during two days, 25-26 May 2017. Our Erasmus team, made up by 4t ESO students and science teachers, contributed to host this event where students, parents and authorities were welcome.

Our students, by means of experiments and their exhibicions in English language as well as promoting the learning method based on laboratories, explained concepts related to microscope nature, robotics, filling up an aquifer, ph tester or acid rain among others.

We would like to thank our mayor, Oscar Sierra, to participate and visit us collaborating then with the increasement of scientific knowledge in the scholar community in La Llagosta.

You can preview pictures from the event here.
We Can Science!

dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017

Radio Interview

Some days ago, our 4th ESO students, who are in charge of InfoMarina radio channel online, offered us the chance to being interviewed so as to promote Eramus + advantages for La Llagosta scholar community. Here you've for the interview. Thanks dear students!

divendres, 5 de maig del 2017

Project Updates Meeting

This Friday we have met with our high school's headteachers to share with them all the activities, meetings, experiments and cultural trips we did during the last mobility in San Giovanni Valdarno (Italy) last March. Here you've got some pictures and our presentation:


Roses, books ... and diplomas!

   On the 23rd April every year, we celebrate Sant Jordi's day. In Catalonia the World Book Day becomes an especially romantic festivity. The people in Catalonia celebrate the day of their patron saint, Sant Jordi, with a curious tradition; since that day, couples exchange gifts: a book for the men and a rose for the women. Book and flower stalls are set up along the streets of Barcelona. They are filled will people walking around stalls, looking for a gift for their beloved, and for their family and friends, too.

 This festival comes from a mixture of traditions; one the one hand, it coincides with the fact that Sant Jordi has been the patron saint of Catalonia since the 15th century; on the other hand, it comes from the famous legend of St George and the dragon and the old medieval tradition of visiting the Chapel of Sant Jordi in the Government Palace, where a rose fair or "lovers" fair used to take place.

   This is why Sant Jordi is also the patron saint of lovers in Catalonia. On this special day, we decided that it was the best moment to reward our three most voted logos at school and give our students a diploma as a prize for their effort and creativity.

We Can Science!

dilluns, 24 d’abril del 2017

Flipped Classroom PPT

   During our last mobility in ISIS Valdarno school in San Giovani Valdarno (Florence), we were introducing some previously chosen methologies that could be used in order to improve our science lessons at school, as a way to engage our students in science. Ours was Flipped Classroom

   We also introduce our attempts to use modern methodologies at high school such as flipped classroom, inmersive learning,cooperative learning, BOYD, learning by doing as well as project-based learning in order to get our students into science.  Here you've got the presentation that we explained and shared with our partners.


diumenge, 16 d’abril del 2017

Short Term Projects Teachers Meeting @ Isis Valdarno March 2017

   From the 6th to the 11th March we've spent a few days at ISIS Valdarno school where all the teachers have taken part in different activities and project meetings.

    Our guests, the Italian teachers, made us a tour around the three different centres they've got, where we've been observing lessons, visiting laboraties and doing some experiments. We've also had some meetings to analyse the different methologies suggested to improve our science lessons such as Finnish Educational System, Flipped Classroom or our Czech partners introduced us to their Experimentarium park. We also met to decide future mobilities' schedules; among others, Czech Republic in May 2017 and Hungary in October 2017.

   It's been a rewarding trip where we have learnt a lot from our Italian partners, we also got into contact with the Italian culture and their daily life in Tuscany.


Carnival Day @ INS Marina

   On the 24th February, staff, teachers and students celebrated what is called as "Carnestoltes", that is to day, our Carnival day at high school. It's the day to celebrate it in a fancy dress, dancing and eating chocolate non- stop!

divendres, 3 de març del 2017

Next Stop...Italy!

   For a week, from the 6th to the 10th March, we're speding some days in Italy, visiting our Italian partners at Isis Valdarno where we'll attend some seminars and workshops, visit museums, do some presentations and work on the project as well as meeting their culture and customs. We're looking forward to it, a presto!

dimarts, 7 de febrer del 2017

Logo of the project

   This was the winner logo that is going to represent our project "Let The Science Discover Us" from now on. After voting for the best logo, this one got the highest amount of votes from coordinators and teachers. Congrats Turkey!

dimarts, 31 de gener del 2017

WORLD AIDS DAY on the 1st December 2016

   World AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and it is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. Therefore, all the partners of our project also had the chance to show our support holding red sheets to form a lace in front of the townhall in La LLagosta, Barcelona. Good job!

Experiment in the Physics Classroom

   Our Physics teacher, Carlos Garcia, has developed a quick experiment in which students have seen how they can slow down the accelerated dropping motion of an object until getting a simple MRU thanks to the change of the fluid density.They have used air, water and glycerine. 
   By doing these experiments, students can learn more actively. 

divendres, 27 de gener del 2017

Teaching staff Meeting Post Transnational.

   Yesterday we met all the teachers at INS Marina and we introduced them the project, its objectives and results expected as well as showing them all the tasks we've been doing these last months.

First, we focused on the project difusion on the local newspaper 08centvuit , the school's magazine, creation of the project's blog and other social networks. We also talked about the project team formed by science teachers and students from 4th ESO.

Secondly, we mentioned the last transnational meeting hold between the 30th November to 3rs of December in 2016 where we met each other, we introduced our schools and school systems, and we also spent some afternoons in some cultural activities such as going to science exhibitions at Museu Blau or Cosmocaixa. We thanked to Óscar Sierra, La Llagosta's mayor, for his tour. It was the best way to meet the village's culture.

In conclusion, we state that this project will be quite positive for our students to improve their science subjects marks'  but also, it's a great chance for them to visit another school in another culture and get to know their customs and values.


dimarts, 24 de gener del 2017

We're on the news!

Our two Erasmus + projects are on the news. The paper from La Llagosta 08centvint interviewed us to get to know a little bit better what we and our students are doing in the two different projects. Our project is being described as an expected improvement in scientific subjects among students from 4th ESO at high school. It will also promote the collaborative work, the learning by doing and laboratory-based learning in subjects such as biology, chemistry and physics.

diumenge, 22 de gener del 2017

Student's meeting

Last Friday we met with students from 4th who will take part in our project. The main issues agreed were to set social networks for the project, a parents meeting will be set for the coming days and they will also start working on the Erasmus + corner at school. Let's work together!

dimarts, 17 de gener del 2017

The winners of the logo competition

   Our students have been voting for their best logos to represent our project and here we've got the results. The 3 most voted logos will be sent to Turkish partners who will decide, among the logos from all the partner countries, which one represents best the project #letthesciencediscoverus. Thanks so much for your collaboration! These are our winners:

        1st Prize                                                                 2nd Prize


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3rd Prize

diumenge, 15 de gener del 2017

Let's vote!

   Our students from 4th ESO have been voting for the best logo for our project #ltsduspain. They use their ict tools such as tablets and iphones to do the contest questionnaire. These logos were designed digitally by them. Let's see what happens...Results soon!

dilluns, 9 de gener del 2017

Project Logo Competition


   Now it's time to decide which logo is going to represent the project! Just click on the this form and grade each logo proposed with 1  to 5 points. All these logos were done by 4th ESO students at school. Thanks for your collaboration!

dimecres, 4 de gener del 2017

LTSDU Spain is now on Twitter and Instagram

   Now Let The Science Discover Us" project is on social networks such as Twitter and Instagram. Like our posts and be up-to-date with the latest news, mobilities, activities and experiments done at school and in other countries. We can science!

dilluns, 2 de gener del 2017

Coordinators of the project LTSDU Spain being interviewed by AniraM, the INS Marina's magazine

   The students who collaborate with AniraM, our INS Marina's magazine, asked us to be interviewed to spread the project across the students community, teaching staff and parents. We talked about the advantages of participating in this project, the project's objectives, students' requirements to take part in as well as the results expected.