
dilluns, 29 de maig del 2017

Science Fair 2017

After a hard work of diffusion spreading out our porsters and flyers, we've been hosting our Science Fair at Marina high school during two days, 25-26 May 2017. Our Erasmus team, made up by 4t ESO students and science teachers, contributed to host this event where students, parents and authorities were welcome.

Our students, by means of experiments and their exhibicions in English language as well as promoting the learning method based on laboratories, explained concepts related to microscope nature, robotics, filling up an aquifer, ph tester or acid rain among others.

We would like to thank our mayor, Oscar Sierra, to participate and visit us collaborating then with the increasement of scientific knowledge in the scholar community in La Llagosta.

You can preview pictures from the event here.
We Can Science!

dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017

Radio Interview

Some days ago, our 4th ESO students, who are in charge of InfoMarina radio channel online, offered us the chance to being interviewed so as to promote Eramus + advantages for La Llagosta scholar community. Here you've for the interview. Thanks dear students!

divendres, 5 de maig del 2017

Project Updates Meeting

This Friday we have met with our high school's headteachers to share with them all the activities, meetings, experiments and cultural trips we did during the last mobility in San Giovanni Valdarno (Italy) last March. Here you've got some pictures and our presentation:


Roses, books ... and diplomas!

   On the 23rd April every year, we celebrate Sant Jordi's day. In Catalonia the World Book Day becomes an especially romantic festivity. The people in Catalonia celebrate the day of their patron saint, Sant Jordi, with a curious tradition; since that day, couples exchange gifts: a book for the men and a rose for the women. Book and flower stalls are set up along the streets of Barcelona. They are filled will people walking around stalls, looking for a gift for their beloved, and for their family and friends, too.

 This festival comes from a mixture of traditions; one the one hand, it coincides with the fact that Sant Jordi has been the patron saint of Catalonia since the 15th century; on the other hand, it comes from the famous legend of St George and the dragon and the old medieval tradition of visiting the Chapel of Sant Jordi in the Government Palace, where a rose fair or "lovers" fair used to take place.

   This is why Sant Jordi is also the patron saint of lovers in Catalonia. On this special day, we decided that it was the best moment to reward our three most voted logos at school and give our students a diploma as a prize for their effort and creativity.

We Can Science!