diumenge, 21 d’octubre del 2018
LTSDU Booklet
One of the products of our project was to publish a booklet that collects all the coordination meetings, assessment and project actions, mobilities, dissemination actions, Etwinning project LTSDU as well as the most outstanding school activities which helped us to disseminate our project and reached our project objectives. You can find it here.
divendres, 22 de juny del 2018
Erasmus Workshop 3th ESO
During these last days of lessons, our project students organised an Erasmus workshop to explain to 3th ESO students the robotics activities they've been implementing at school. Moreover, we also welcomed two Italian project students who were visiting La Llagosta this week. They also explained to our students their personal Erasmus experience.
Erasmus Day 2018
On 6th June we celebrated our Erasmus day at Institut Marina where authorities from townhall, students, teachers and parents were welcomed. We organised different project intineraries where our project students explained and showed pictures and video from the different mobilities, school activities and other actions implemented in the 3 different Erasmus + projects that we have; Smile, LTSDU and Gofor.
dijous, 10 de maig del 2018
"Fira de Recerca en Directe" @ Parc Científic
Our students visited a fair organised by Parc Científic and EduCaixa in Barcelona to show them the latest research projects that are active at the moment related to different scientific issues, driven by their interests. The aim was to scientific research among their curiosities and make them understand how this profession is. Moreover, it was a good chance for us to start new agreements of collaboration so our students will be able to start researching in their centres soon.
Last students mobility LTSDU
From the 16th to 22nd April, our Italian partners held the last mobility within our project Erasmus + Let The Science Discover Us in San Giovanni Valdarno where 7 students and two accompanying teachers from our high school joined their activities. During these days, our students took part in several workshops related to students' projects, research topics such as anti-ageing, animals in extinction among others. They were working in groups formed by students from other partners' schools so this fostered their collaborative and communication skills, their autonomy and critical thinking while working on scientific issues that motivated them.
Moreover, they could also get to know the Italian culture in their visit to Pitti Palace and Galileo Galilei museum in Florence, Montevarchi museum about anthropology or an interesting quest in Siena to study the hydraulic system of the town.
Moreover, they could also get to know the Italian culture in their visit to Pitti Palace and Galileo Galilei museum in Florence, Montevarchi museum about anthropology or an interesting quest in Siena to study the hydraulic system of the town.
dimarts, 3 d’abril del 2018
Visiting primary schools in La Llagosta
Our Erasmus + project students team have visited today their former primary schools to give some presentations about their personal Erasmus + experiences, everything they have learned so far and how much they enjoyed the trips they made. Primary students were really engaged and motivated to take part in future projects!
diumenge, 1 d’abril del 2018
Planning ahead and certificates
During the last work sessions at INS Marina, our project coordinator has planned ahead final students tasks for the last mobility of the project in Italy. Moreover, our partners have been given an attendance certificate of this La Llagosta’s mobility. It has been a very profitable mobility to assess what we’ve been implementing so far, to get to know each other deeper as well as the problems our teenagers may have and to get ready for the last actions to be taken to finish our project LTSDU.
dissabte, 3 de març del 2018
Your Science Star Activity
During our C3 Training Teachers Mobility, we suggested to implement a quite useful activity for our project Science teachers. After discussing what are the most demotivating and top 10 motivating strategies we may use to promote Science knowledge among our students, we encouraged our partners and science teachers to take part in a 10' lesson activity. The aim was to brainstorm in groups of 4 or 5 teachers their top 1 activity that may be useful to share with the others. In 10' their task was to discuss main aspects of this actity while filling in the gaps in this worksheet: objectives, stickibility, groupings, learning goals, and learning steps among other aspects. It was a very profitable activity for all of us to improve our teaching practice.
Academies in Barcelona
As a complementary off school activity, we invited our partners to visit the Royal Academy of Medicine and the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts, both in Barcelona. We really enjoyed these visits where we observed the old instrument collection, the clock collection, the astronomical as well as the meteorological and seismological functional equipment.
dimarts, 27 de febrer del 2018
Emotionally Intelligent Teachers
During our second mobility day at INS Marina, Mireia Cubero, psychologist and coach, visited us to do a workshop to increase our best practices as teachers in our daily lessons. It was a very interesting workshop for all of us¡
C3 Mobility at INS Marina
We're speding some days together at INS Marina to share, discuss and reach an agreement about the best ways and resources to deal with teenagers' problems during science lessons. We met to share our country and school's viewpoints as well as our Curriculum requirements. Teachers from Czeck Republic, Turkey, Hungary and Italy are hosted in La Llagosta this week to take part in the village's daily life.
dimecres, 24 de gener del 2018
Trying out Etwinning platform
Our LTSDU team will start working cooperatively with students team members from other partners countries through the European platform Etwinning and our project Twinspace. It would be an enriching and motivating task form them, let’s start!
dilluns, 22 de gener del 2018
LTSDU Dissemination
To keep our students and scholar community updated, we've published these two important tools (roll up and posters) to disseminate our Erasmus + project LTSDU. See how awesome they look at the high school entrance and in the corridors.
divendres, 19 de gener del 2018
University Workshop
Our students atttended a workshop entitled : “Do Research! @ “Parc Científic” in Barcelona where, as biotechnologists do, they dealt with a real-life situation, that is to say, how to transfer DNA to a virus in order to fight against illnesses such as sclerosis #erasmusplus #sepie #ltsduspain
LTSDU Video Contest
Now it's time to vote for the best video that shows the role of sciences in our daily life.
These are the proposals. Check them out!
diumenge, 14 de gener del 2018
LTSDU Video Contest
These last weeks, our LTSDU students team have been working hard on researching the role of sciences in our daily lives to take part in our project international contest. Each country has published their video proposals. This is our video:
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