
dimecres, 24 de gener del 2018

Trying out Etwinning platform

Our LTSDU team will start working cooperatively with students team members from other partners countries through the European platform Etwinning and our project Twinspace. It would be an enriching and motivating task form them, let’s start!

dilluns, 22 de gener del 2018

LTSDU Dissemination

To keep our students and scholar community updated, we've published these two important tools (roll up and posters) to disseminate our Erasmus +  project LTSDU. See how awesome they look at the high school entrance and in the corridors.


divendres, 19 de gener del 2018

University Workshop

 Our students atttended a workshop entitled : “Do Research! @ “Parc Científic” in Barcelona where, as biotechnologists do, they dealt with a real-life situation, that is to say, how to transfer DNA to a virus in order to fight against illnesses such as sclerosis #erasmusplus #sepie #ltsduspain


LTSDU Video Contest

Now it's time to vote for the best video that shows the role of sciences in our daily life.
These are the proposals. Check them out!

diumenge, 14 de gener del 2018

LTSDU Video Contest

These last weeks, our LTSDU students team have been working hard on researching the role of sciences in our daily lives to take part in our project international contest. Each country has published their video proposals. This is our video: